Thank you for choosing to share your story!

We are excited to showcase your success and give future students and parents a look into what they could gain through our programs. There is no better person to represent our brand than our former students.

In order to successfully broadcast your testimonial in the most efficient way possible, it is critical that you follow the instructions provided on this page.

What InternWorks Needs from You

  • Completion of our All About You form that will provide us with a few personal details such as your name, internship placement, and current position.  

  • A signed consent form (your parent needs to sign it too if you are under 18), giving us permission to showcase the content you provide us with.

  • A recorded video testimonial that answers questions that we provide you with. Detailed guidelines are provided below for optimal video recording conditions, answering questions in the proper format, and instructions for uploading your video. 

Ready to get started?

Follow the guidelines on this page or select the link to download and print the Video Testimonial Guidelines pdf document.

Video Testimonial Guidelines

Read through each section and follow the guidelines and instructions.

Section 1: Required Forms

  1. Complete and submit the Consent form in your browser.
  2. Complete and submit the About Me form in your browser.

Section 2: Video Recording Format


  • Use a smartphone 
  • Tripod (optional)
  • Ring light (optional)

Lighting, Background, Format, & Presentation

  • Use the phone camera in portrait mode. 
  • Record in natural light, such as in front of a window or in a well-lit area. Use a ring light if you have one. 
  • Record in a quiet place. Your video should not have interfering background noise such as traffic, talking, dogs barking, music, TV, or other distracting sounds.   
  • Choose a neutral, professional background. Keep in mind that your footage will be posted on the InternWorks website and social media spaces.
  • Suggested background: A plain wall with no or minimal objects behind you. Avoid posters/art, messy rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Outdoors is OK as long as the lighting and sound are appropriate. Use background filters sparingly (it should look natural and not have places where you cut out of the video when you move).
  • Look presentable – follow the same guidelines for dress and appearance you learned during your internship. You are a representation of InternWorks and professionalism is important to our brand.
  • Place the phone on something steady – don’t hold it or move around while recording. Use a tripod or prop your phone up on a flat surface. Be sure the surface the phone is resting on (a table, books, etc.) doesn’t show in the footage.
  • Record from the chest and up at eye level and not from an overhead or low angle. See the visual examples below.
  • Test your appearance for shadows or lighting that washes you out. Adjust lighting as needed. See the visual examples below.
  • Don’t cut your head or shoulders off in the frame. We can crop the footage on our end if we need to.
  • Use the camera on your phone, NOT the Snapchat camera, TikTok, Instagram, etc.
  • Do not use any filters. No face filters, no Snapchat/Instagram filters, no color adjustment.
  • Do not edit your footage.

Visual Examples

Section 3: Question Answering Format

Your testimonial video will consist of answers to select questions we provide you with.  Follow the 2 steps below: 

  1. Choose three (3) questions to answer from the Testimonial Questions list.
  2. Follow the format instructions provided in Answering Format & Examples.

Testimonial Questions

Choose three (3) questions from the list to answer. 

  1. Where was your internship, and what was the best part about it?
  2. Where do you work (or attend a college/university) now? Did you feel well-prepared upon starting there?
  3. What part of the InternWorks curriculum did you feel prepared you the most for the job search process after you completed the program?
  4. In terms of your current job, what do you think is the most valuable tool/skill InternWorks provided that you benefit from now?
  5. Which skills of yours did InternWorks strengthen the most, and how?
  6. What do you believe the value of an internship coach is? Feel free to be specific about your coach and your program.
  7. What did you gain from InternWorks that you wished your high school and college classes could have provided you?
  8. Why do you think other students would benefit from enrolling with InternWorks?
  9. What would you say to someone who believes internships are not valuable if they are unpaid?

Circle or write down the questions you are prepared to answer. 

Answering Format & Examples

Begin each answer by restating the question as a statement. Every question must be answered by restating what was asked. Read the examples below. 

QUESTION: What did you gain from InternWorks that you wished your high school and college classes could have provided you?

Something that my high school never offered me was how to properly write my resume, and InternWorks provided that when I had never gotten the experience elsewhere.

I never learned how to write a resume in high school.

 Add as much additional context as you’d like.  We want elaboration – it’s better for us to have more from you than less.

QUESTION: Which skills of yours did InternWorks strengthen the most, and how?

 InternWorks taught me how to smoothly communicate in the workplace. Prior to working with Sue, I always felt awkward during office meetings and kept quiet. We practiced interviews and introductions, something that always made me nervous before. The strategies that InternWorks gave me allowed me to feel more confident during those situations.

InternWorks taught me how to smoothly communicate in the workplace. I participate in meetings a lot more now.

 Personal stories are welcome and appreciated! Give a description of your job and workplace BUT please leave out the name of where you interned or your current workplace

Keep answers short. Your TOTAL footage should be less than 2 minutes. Spend a maximum of 40 seconds answering each question. Use a timer or stopwatch on your phone to check your time.

Section 4: Record Your Video

Once you have set the proper conditions and constructed answers to three questions, you are ready to record. Be sure to do the following: 

  • Practice answering your questions aloud at least once. Check your time and adjust if you need to make it shorter or longer.
  • Record your video. Hopefully, you will need only 1 or 2 takes!
  • Name your video file: The file name of your video should be your first and last name + video. Example: Jay Smith Video, Julie Smith Video

Section 5: Share/Upload Your Video

All videos will be uploaded to Google Drive.  

  • You must have a Google account to upload. 
  • Upload from any device. Sign into your Google account and select the button upload.
  • Drag or upload your video into the folder. BE SURE your name is part of the video file. 
Email us at to let us know you have submitted your video.

Things to Note

  • If you do not follow the guidelines properly, we will ask you to do this again. Remember that you are being financially compensated for this project.
  • We can edit videos to our liking and may not use all of your footage.
  • You will receive your Amazon gift card via email once your video is approved by us. 

We look forward to seeing your video!