Thinking about a Summer Internship? Now is the Time to Plan!
January 6, 2022
The Importance of LinkedIn for Students
March 4, 2022As a high school student, trying to figure out what you want to study and perhaps eventually have as a career–while exciting–can be daunting. The process requires time and the space to let yourself grow as you try on different career hats.
So what can you do now? High school is the perfect time to research career fields and perhaps “test drive” different careers to find out which field you may one day want to pursue. You may ask yourself, “Well, how can I do that?” Here are a few suggestions and resources you can use to assist you in doing career research. who knows, maybe you’ll discover your passion.
- Join School Clubs Interested in writing or photography? Join the school newspaper! Are you interested in entrepreneurship or learning more about different areas of business? Find out if your school has its own DECA (Distributive Education Club of America) chapter. This club encourages skill development and the exploration of various areas of business through academic conferences and competitions. Other school clubs may include film club, drama, cooking club, and more. School clubs are meant to give students a space to do what they love and spark interest in new areas, too. Take advantage of them!
- R&R: Read and Research If there is a well-known public figure that inspires you through their work, there’s a strong chance they’ve written a book about it. Read it! There’s no better way to learn about a certain career than from the source itself. Not really a reader? Look up interviews and TED Talks on YouTube to hear people speak about what they do to get a better idea about what to expect.
- Volunteer There is no better teacher than hands-on experience. Think you might want to become a librarian? See if you can volunteer at your local library to get more of a sense as to what they do on a daily basis.
- Intern Our programs enable students to get real-world experience while gaining confidence and developing professional skills. Visit the tab on our site that lists career areas and types of jobs and internships associated within those career fields. See if any pique your curiosity. At InternWorks, our goal is to place you in the internship that fits your interests and skills.
High school and your early college years are a great time to find out what career path may lie ahead of you. The more time you spend now trying new experiences, the more experience you’ll have to guide you to a decision about what you want–or don’t want–to do.