custom internships

March 21, 2024

Mastering Interview Readiness: Researching the Company You Want to Work For

In the competitive world of job hunting, one of the key differentiators that can set you apart from other candidates is your level of preparedness and knowledge about the company you’re interviewing with. Demonstrating that you’ve done your homework not only impresses the interviewer but also reflects your genuine interest in the role and the organization.
April 18, 2024

3 Skills You’ll Gain From a Custom Internship

Custom internships offer a unique opportunity for students to gain valuable skills and experience tailored to their interests and career goals. Unlike traditional internships, which may focus solely on completing tasks for a specific company, custom internships prioritize the development of skills that will benefit students in their future careers.
May 28, 2024

6 Qualities Employers Look for in Interns

Internships are a critical stepping stone in career development, offering students a valuable opportunity to hone their skills and gain real-world experience. These practical experiences not only prepare students for the workforce but also provide them with a competitive edge in the job market. Employers prioritize certain skills when selecting interns, making it essential for students to focus on developing these highly sought-after attributes.
June 26, 2024

5 Common Interview Questions (And How to Answer Them)

Interviews – whether for an internship or a potential job – can be nerve-wracking. No matter how much you’ve prepared, there’s always that sense of stepping into the unknown. You’ve spent hours researching the company, gathering accomplishments to discuss, and noting talking points, but the prospect of facing those interview questions still makes your palms sweat a little.
July 25, 2024

How to Excel in a Remote Internship — 4 Tips to Keep in Mind

In today’s professional landscape, remote internships have become increasingly prevalent. This shift not only reflects the growing flexibility in work arrangements but also underscores the importance of adapting to diverse working environments. At InternWorks, we recognize the value of mastering remote work skills and want to empower you with essential tips to excel in your remote internship.